In a 30 day effort for 30 minutes per day, students were asked to create a project capturing some sort of passion that uses solely original work and accomplishes or significantly improves a digital-relevant skill. 


My 2023 year was filled with new relationships, travel opportunities, and moments of personal growth that have shaped me into the person I am today, which is what inspired the idea of a digital diary. The objective concept of my project was to choose a memory from each month that resonated with me and record the date of that moment along with a label that gives context to the experience.

PROGRAMS USED: Adobe Illustrator

CAMERA ROLL INSPO: April and November

I knew my camera roll would be my biggest source of insiration for my illustrations, whether that meant using the images exactly or as a guide. Because the photos I took outlined the majority of what I would be designing, I essentially used those as my sketches.


For other months of the year that weren’t directly inspired by a photo, for example the month of February, I created designs from personal experience or memory.

One of the biggest challenges I ran into was accomplishing a sense of unity across all 12 tiles. Having many designs with a wide variety of colors in the text and the illustrations made the cohesion component very difficult to achieve.


As a triumph to the challenge above, I learned to pull colors from other tiles into one another to form a cohesive palette. The color of the text was also changed to either off-white or dark-brown depending on the background it laid against, which eventually allowed me to create a layout pattern between the two colors in a 3 x 4 display.